Starting Point is a place where you can receive free information, advice and guidance on jobs, education and training in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. All services are completely free and they offer assistance and coaching to help you find a job, write a CV or start training – in some instances they can also provide funding to help you get there. Starting Point also run the National Careers Service and ‘Work Clubs’ across St Helens, where you can share experiences with other people who are looking for work. St Helens Chamber (who manage Starting Point) also have a number of courses and initiatives to help people back into work.
Positive Directions – The Growth Company is a not for profit organisation dedicated to economic development, inward investment, skills, employment and enterprise. The Growth Company offers a programme called Positive Directions which works across a range of areas to help people get back on their feet; whether they’ve been unemployed for a long time, are on benefits or are recovering from health issues or some form of substance abuse.
Talent Match is an employability programme that supports young people aged 15-29 in St Helens who have been out of work, training or education for 12 months. It is a creative and innovative programme that will develop real skills and open up opportunities for young people. The programme offers intensive support through a dedicated Intensive Mentor who will develop a personalised pathway programme for each young person.
The local Job Centre Plus office (2 Central Street, WA10 1UF) provides a wide range of information and help in finding employment, in addition to a live feed of available jobs in the borough. You can also search for a job online or by calling the phone service on 0845 6060 234.
The Job Centre Plus can also refer you on to the Work Programme; providing employment support, financial support and health support if you are claiming ESA (Employment and Support Allowance) or IB (Incapacity Benefit)
The Apex Charitable Trust seeks to help people with criminal records to obtain appropriate jobs or self-employment by providing them with the skills that they need in the labour market, and by working with employers to break down the barriers to their employment.
Households into Work is aimed at individuals who may have multiple or significant barriers to moving into work, or even to considering work. The programme provides support to households where at least 2 people are unemployed and aged 16 or over. This can include a relative, neighbour, friend or someone who is relied upon or depended on for support. Both individuals must reside in the Liverpool City Region.
Ways to Work– part-funded by the European Social Fund and Youth Employment Initiative. Ways to Work is a local programme for young people and adults and aims to support local residents by offering a range of support. For more information see