St Helens Family Information Service offers a whole range of free information such as different types of childcare and Children’s Centres, plus assistance around gaining financial help and finding family services and activities. In addition to offering phone and e-mail support, the Family Information Service also allows you to search for childcare and family services/activities via their online directory. A useful guide to choosing childcare can be found here.
Sure Start Children’s Centres are placed where children (aged between 0 and 5) and their families can have access to integrated services and information; ensuring that families can get help when they need it, tackling issues early and helping to prevent problems from emerging later on. Information about the various Sure Start Children’s Centres in St Helens can be found here.
A national directory of family services containing information about Ofsted registered childcare (e.g. nurseries, pre-schools, Childminders and out of school clubs) can also be found via OpenFamily Services.