Gateway Digest

What support is available for young people who have experienced bereavement?Posted Wednesday 18th April 2018

The Butterflies Project provides listening and counselling to children and young people suffering as a result of bereavement of loss (including divorce or separation). Their listening ear helpline is available on 0151 488 6648.

Winston’s Wish is a charity that helps children and young people re-adjust to life after someone close to them has passed away. They run a helpline (0845 203 0405) and an online community if you would like someone to talk to.

You can also talk to someone in confidence at Childline (0800 1111) or Get Connected (0808 808 4994).

Where can I find help if I am being bullied?Posted Wednesday 18th April 2018

Bullying, or cyber bullying, happens to a lot of people and can be difficult to have to cope with.

BullyBusters is an anti-bullying helpline (0800 169 6928) to provide support, practical information and advice if you are being bullied.

If you want to talk to someone in confidence about bullying, Childline can offer support by phone (0800 11 11), online chat or by e-mail.

CyberMentors is an online community for children and young people to help and support each other through their experiences of bullying. You can also text/e-mail a message to receive some support back from a Counsellor.

You can also find out more about bullying through Bullying UK, Kidscape and TheSite.

For a really useful guide on how to deal with cyber bullying click the following link

Where can young people go for someone to talk to?Posted Wednesday 18th April 2018

Growing up can be tough, and everyone is likely to encounter problems and concerns as they get older. Common concerns that young people often experience may include sex, relationships, sexuality, pregnancy, bullying, friends, family, parents, appearance, body image, drink, drugs, smoking, health, wellbeing, fitness, diet, money, housing, the law, learning, college/university, getting a job and so many more.

Recognising that you have a concern or wanting to do something about it can be the first step to overcome it, and there are lots of sources of information and people that you can talk to for help. If you don’t feel that you are ready to talk to your friends, family or someone at school/college about what is on your mind, you could also try:

  • Talking to someone in confidence, such as Childline (0800 11 11)
  • Looking at general information and support sites, such as Young Minds, TheSite, National Youth Agency and DirectGov
  • Visiting a health professional or specialist (if your concern is medically related)
  • Going to a local support group or online community to talk to others in a similar situation
  • Using resources provided by charities and voluntary groups in the St Helens area, such as Platform 51, Connexions or LIFE

The Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families has recently relaunched the Youth Wellbeing Directory, the largest UK online search engine for mental health services and support for children and young people up to age 25. Young people are at the heart of this free resource, empowering them to discover and access mental health support in their area. Click the following link to access the Youth Wellbeing Directory

Where can I find information about adopting or fostering?Posted Wednesday 18th April 2018

WWiSH is an adoption service that covers the Warrington, Wigan and St Helens areas. If you wish to adopt a child or would like more information on the adoption process you can contact the team on 01942 487 272.

There is also a dedicated website for the St Helens Council Fostering Service that provides local information about fostering and how to apply.

British Adoption and Fostering is the UK’s leading adoption and fostering membership – their website allows you to search for local adoption and fostering agencies in addition to providing general information, resources and advice.

Further information and advice about adoption can also be found through Adoption UK (Helpline 0844 848 7900) and After Adoption (ActionLine 0800 0568 578).

Is there any support available specifically for Dads?Posted Wednesday 18th April 2018

Local SureStart Children’s Centres run groups called MATCH (Men And Their CHildren), which encourage men (Dads, Granddads and Carers) and their children (under 12) to communicate and enjoy quality time together to strengthen their bond. Various indoor and outdoor activities are organised – to find out more please contact your nearest SureStart Centre.

There is also a Dads support group that meets up on a weekly basis at Trinity Church in Rainhill. The group starts at 7pm every Friday evening – contact Andy on 077 257 217 01 for further information.

I have recently become a parent – what support is available to me?Posted Wednesday 18th April 2018

In addition to the support offered by Midwives from the hospital, there are also local charities and voluntary groups that can offer emotional and practical support along your journey as a parent.

St Helens Family Information Service offers a whole range of free information for parents including childcare, accessing financial help, family services and activities.

The local branch of the National Childbirth Trust offers postnatal courses, play groups, second hand clothes/equipment sales and opportunities to meet and socialise with other parents in the borough to make friends, share experiences and offer emotional support. The NCT national helpline (0300 330 0700) also provides practical and emotional support in all areas of pregnancy, birth and early parenthood.

Home-Start is the UK’s leading family support charity that aims to increase the confidence and independence of families. They can provide one to one family support through a matched volunteer, who are parents themselves and would spend three to four hours per week supporting a family in their own home. Home-Start also have a group called Jumping Jacks for parents and their children, held every Wednesday at Peter Street.

St Helens Wellbeing Service offer support with all aspects of infant feeding and solid foods. See for more information.

LIFE is a charity that provides help and support to people with pregnancy worries or men and women with parenting problems – they can offer free and confidential information, financial and practical help (e.g. baby clothes and equipment) and counselling to individuals or families. LIFE also have a national helpline (0800 915 4600) for confidential information and support.

Family Lives run a confidential helpline (0808 800 2222) called ParentPlus for information, advice, guidance and support on any aspect of parenting and family life. Support is also offered via Skype, e-mail, online chat and textphone.

Mumsnet is a pool of knowledge, advice and support for parents.

St Helens Chamber also run a programme called ‘Keep in Touch’ for young female parents between the ages of 16 and 19. The programme offers a variety of learning opportunities (e.g. qualifications and help with English, maths and IT) and assistance around being a young parent. For further information please contact Linda Seddon on [email protected] or 01744 670 276.

I have been a victim of crime – where can I go for help?Posted Wednesday 18th April 2018

Victim Support is the independent charity for victims and witnesses of crime in England and Wales. If you have been a victim of any crime, or have been affected by a crime committed against someone you know, they can offer someone to talk to in confidence and information about police/court proceedings, insurance, compensation and other sources of help. Their Victim Supportline can be contacted on 0845 30 30 900.

Stop Hate UK (0800 138 1625) is a charity that provides independent and confidential support to people affected by Hate Crime (hostility, prejudice or hatred of disability, gender identity, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, culture or sexual orientation).

The DirectGov website also provides useful information and advice for what to do if you are a victim or witness of a crime.

The Witness Service is a voluntary service provided by Citizens Advice which is based within all courts to provide practical and emotional support for all victims and witnesses who are asked to attend court. This can include pre trial support. Visits to the court so you know what to expect on the day and opportunity to ask any questions you may have. There will be a volunteer there on the day of the trial to keep you up to date with proceedings and provide support throughout the trial. We can make onward referrals to organisations that can provide further help if needed. There is a lot of useful information about being a witness on our website at and the local St Helens office number is 0300 332 1343. Available 9-4, Monday to Friday.

Where can I find support being a victim of rape or sexual abuse?Posted Wednesday 18th April 2018

The Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre (RASASC) is committed to supporting people who have been affected by rape or sexual abuse, regardless of what happened or how long ago that it happened. They can provide counselling and therapeutic work, an advocacy service, peer support groups and general support and information. See: for more information.

  • RASA (Rape and Sexual Abuse) Mersyside provides a helpline, advocacy service and general information. See: for more information.
  • Helena Extra can provide refuge accommodation for those who are at risk of sexual abuse and/or domestic violence
  • Rape Crisis is an umbrella charity that supports local crisis centres across the country, and help survivors of rape, sexual abuse, sexual harassment or any form of sexual violence. They provide a free helpline (0808 802 9999) to assist you to find out what help is available in your area.
  • Survivors UK is a national charity that was specifically set-up to help males who have experienced rape or sexual abuse, and they have a confidential helpline (0845 122 1201) available.


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