Victim Support is the independent charity for victims and witnesses of crime in England and Wales. If you have been a victim of any crime, or have been affected by a crime committed against someone you know, they can offer someone to talk to in confidence and information about police/court proceedings, insurance, compensation and other sources of help. Their Victim Supportline can be contacted on 0845 30 30 900.
Stop Hate UK (0800 138 1625) is a charity that provides independent and confidential support to people affected by Hate Crime (hostility, prejudice or hatred of disability, gender identity, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, culture or sexual orientation).
The DirectGov website also provides useful information and advice for what to do if you are a victim or witness of a crime.
The Witness Service is a voluntary service provided by Citizens Advice which is based within all courts to provide practical and emotional support for all victims and witnesses who are asked to attend court. This can include pre trial support. Visits to the court so you know what to expect on the day and opportunity to ask any questions you may have. There will be a volunteer there on the day of the trial to keep you up to date with proceedings and provide support throughout the trial. We can make onward referrals to organisations that can provide further help if needed. There is a lot of useful information about being a witness on our website at and the local St Helens office number is 0300 332 1343. Available 9-4, Monday to Friday.