Where can I find help if I am being bullied?

Bullying, or cyber bullying, happens to a lot of people and can be difficult to have to cope with.

BullyBusters is an anti-bullying helpline (0800 169 6928) to provide support, practical information and advice if you are being bullied.

If you want to talk to someone in confidence about bullying, Childline can offer support by phone (0800 11 11), online chat or by e-mail.

CyberMentors is an online community for children and young people to help and support each other through their experiences of bullying. You can also text/e-mail a message to receive some support back from a Counsellor.

You can also find out more about bullying through Bullying UK, Kidscape and TheSite.

For a really useful guide on how to deal with cyber bullying click the following link https://www.inpatientdrugrehab.org/cyberbullying-substance-abuse