The Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre (RASASC) is committed to supporting people who have been affected by rape or sexual abuse, regardless of what happened or how long ago that it happened. They can provide counselling and therapeutic work, an advocacy service, peer support groups and general support and information. See: for more information.
- RASA (Rape and Sexual Abuse) Mersyside provides a helpline, advocacy service and general information. See: for more information.
- Helena Extra can provide refuge accommodation for those who are at risk of sexual abuse and/or domestic violence
- Rape Crisis is an umbrella charity that supports local crisis centres across the country, and help survivors of rape, sexual abuse, sexual harassment or any form of sexual violence. They provide a free helpline (0808 802 9999) to assist you to find out what help is available in your area.
- Survivors UK is a national charity that was specifically set-up to help males who have experienced rape or sexual abuse, and they have a confidential helpline (0845 122 1201) available.