RASASC- Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Centre
RASASC are a registered charity that provides support, advice and counselling to men, women and young people of any age affected by any form of sexual violence; over the areas of Cheshire and Merseyside. They have a specialised counselling service and also the support from an Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA).
The ISVA offers support and advice through the police process and any subsequent legal proceedings. We also provide support groups in some areas for female adult survivors. Their core ethos is to ensure that community based support is tailored towards the needs of people affected by sexual violence. All members of the RASASC team are highly motivated towards raising society’s awareness of the prevalence and consequences of sexual violence as well as helping to challenge common myths and unhelpful perceptions.
The ISVA service, Independent Sexual Violence Advisors work in partnership with Cheshire and Merseyside Sexual Assault Referral Centres and they provide a comprehensive aftercare service. This includes support and advocacy through the criminal justice system. Information and advice about health needs and options. Support to attend related appointments, onward referrals onto other, more appropriate, agencies and liaising with other agencies involved e.g. Independent Domestic Violence Advocates (IDVA).
Counselling and therapeutic work can be provided to victims or friends/relatives of victims who have experienced rape or sexual violence. Our specialist counselling aims to help you to find ways of coping with your experience. We offer time limited therapy of up to ten sessions; sessions take place weekly or fortnightly and last for around 50 minutes. They also offer pre-trial therapy, which follows specific guidelines from the Crown Prosecution Service.
How to Access
Anyone can be self-refer themselves to RASASC by contacting the Head Office by phone, or referrals can also be made by other agencies (GP, Social Worker etc).
Type of Organisation
Regional charity (no.1049826)Contact
RASASC, P O Box 35, Warrington, WA1 1DW.
- 01744 877987
- www.rapecentre.org.uk
- [email protected]