Gateway Digest

Is there any support available for relatives/friends of alcohol/drug users?Posted Wednesday 18th April 2018

Footsteps for Families is a charity that works in St Helens and Warrington with relatives/friends/carers of people who use drugs or alcohol. They can provide confidential support over the phone or face-to-face via their drop-in sessions or home visits. Footsteps also run a parent support group and various training courses.

Parents Against Drug Users is a national umbrella charity that provides services for the parents and families of drug users. They provide a national helpline for listening and general advice (0845 702 3867) and they also run a Parent and Family support group which is held at Derbyshire Family Centre in Parr (WA9 2LU).

Families Anonymous (helpline 0845 1200 660), Adfam and Action on Addiction are national charities that help to improve the quality of life for families affected by drug and alcohol use.

I care for someone with dementia. What support is available for me?Posted Wednesday 18th April 2018

Hargreaves Dementia Trust is a local charity that supports people with dementia and their Carers. Their monthly support group, called ‘Making Sense’ is an opportunity for Carers to meet up and gain emotional support. The group meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 6.30pm at the Stewart Unit (at Peasley Cross Hospital).

St Helens Carers Centre holds a regular support group for those Carers who support someone who is experiencing dementia. The group is friendly, informal and always welcome new members – it is a good opportunity to talk to other people who have faced similar practical and emotional challenges. Meetings take place two times each month; on the first and third of every month at the Carers Centre between 11am and 12.30pm.

There is also a monthly support group for Carers of people with dementia that takes place at Broad Oak Manor (WA9 1HB) in Parr – contact the care home on 01744 615 626 for further information.

I am the parent/Carer for someone with cancer – where can I go for support?Posted Wednesday 18th April 2018

CHICS (CHIldren’s Cancer Support group) provides support and information for parents of children and covers the whole of Merseyside, Wirral, North Wales and West Cheshire. They offer regular meetings, social functions, caravans for respite use and a library of books, leaflets and brochures established for parents to gain more information about cancer treatments and cancer related national bodies. The CHICS office is based in Bootle and can be contacted on 0151 523 8886.

CLIC Sargent is a charity that provides emotional and practical support for children with cancer/leukaemia and their families; they have a variety of services available, call 0800 197 0068 or visit their website for further information.

You can also contact St Helens Carers Centre, St Helens Cancer Support Group and Macmillan Information and Support Centre for information and advice about caring for someone with cancer.

How can I take a break from caring?Posted Thursday 12th April 2018

Taking a break from caring doesn’t necessarily mean going on holiday, it could just be a couple of hours away from your normal care routine for you to relax, go to an appointment or meet up with a friend for example. It is recognised that taking a break and asking for help are steps towards positive emotional wellbeing.

St Helens Carers Centre are able to provide you with information and advice about taking a break, and they can also offer a personalised break fund (up to £300 per year) in order for you to be able to give you a break from your normal day to day caring role.

Crossroads Care is Britain’s leading provider of support for Carers and the people they care for. They work with over 41,000 individuals and their families, helping Carers make a life of their own outside caring.

The Respite Association provides short-term assistance in the funding of appropriately qualified respite care for disabled, sick, elderly or terminally ill persons in order that their regular Carer can be allowed to take a break.

Carers Direct (0808 802 0202) and Carers UK (0808 808 7777) can also provide free, confidential information and advice about the different ways to find a break and what options are available for the person that you are caring for.

There is a useful site for incontinence to visit –

Who can provide care and/or independent living services for people with disabilities?Posted Wednesday 11th April 2018

There are a range of charitable and private social care providers that operate in the St Helens area. Many are flexible in the service or care packages that they offer in meeting an individual’s needs – this could range from a short respite break to full 24 hour care or support and so it is best to contact the individual organisation so see exactly what they can offer.

Click here for a list of accredited providers of supported living services for vulnerable adults (provided by St Helens Council).

What is personalisation and how do ‘personal budgets’ or ‘direct payments’ work?Posted Wednesday 11th April 2018

Personalisation is a term that the government introduced a few years ago, allowing you more choice and control over the services that you receive – for example you can choose an organisation to provide your care, when you receive it and how often you receive it. However, the Council can still make the arrangements on your behalf if you prefer.

If you are over 18 you will receive a ‘personal budget’ if you are assessed as eligible for care by St Helens Council. You will need to set up a separate personal bank account for these ‘direct payments’ to be paid in to, and for auditing purposes you will need to keep and submit any receipts for services that you purchase. Direct Payment monies will have to be repaid to the Council if they are not spent in line with your individual support plan. Again, the Council or a social care provider can look after the payments for you if you prefer.

You can then decide how to use this money to help with your needs e.g. paying for a personal assistant to help with care, participating in leisure activities, paying for someone to support you at college or in employment.

For more information about direct payments visit St Helens Council website.

The following organisations have information available on their websites regarding paying for social care and direct payments:

  • Age UK
  • Independent Age
  • Scope
  • I have mental health problems – which organisations can help provide care to me in my own home?Posted Wednesday 11th April 2018

    There are a range of charitable and private social care providers that operate in the St Helens area. Many are flexible in the service or care packages that they offer in meeting an individual’s needs – this could range from a short respite break to full 24 hour care or support and so it is best to contact the individual organisation so see exactly what they can offer.

    Community Mental Health Floating Support Service provide housing related support in the community to Adults from the age of 18 years who have severe and enduring mental health issues and other complex needs. Referral is via a named professional.

    Together for Mental Wellbeing provide housing related support in the community to Adults from the age of 18 years who have severe and enduring mental health issues and other complex needs.

    For a list of domiciliary care providers see

    How do I get an assessment of my social care needs?Posted Wednesday 11th April 2018

    To see if you are eligible for social care, St Helens Council will carry out an assessment that will show what your care needs are.

    To access services a referral is taken by a Contact Centre Advisor and sent to the appropriate team. Your referral will be allocated to a member of Adult Social Care staff who will assess your needs and determine whether you are eligible for services.
    You can refer yourself or be referred by a health or social care professional in the following ways:

  • Call 01744 676767
  • Visit the Council Contact Centre Reception, Wesley House, Corporation Street, St Helens, WA10 1HF
  • Email [email protected].


  • What Day Care Centre facilities are accessible within the borough?Posted Wednesday 11th April 2018

    Day Centres offer vulnerable adults the opportunity to socialise, take part in activities and have a hot meal, some Day Centres provide transport to and from the centre.

    Buzzhub St Helens CDP provides personalised care and support for people with learning disabilities, in the form of daytime sessions, evening sessions, holidays and short breaks. Referral via a Care Manager or Self Referral if a Care Package is in place

    For more information on local day centres see St Helens Council website or telephone the Contact Centre, Wesley House, Corporation Street on 01744 676767.

    What provision is there for palliative care in St Helens?Posted Wednesday 11th April 2018

    St Helens Hospital and Whiston Hospital have Specialist Palliative Care Teams who are experienced and trained in providing palliative care, and can also offer an advisory and supportive service for patients, families and staff. They can make referrals and/or contact with your GP, District Nurse and Macmillan Nurses to link up with local hospice in-patient and out-patient services.

    Hospices, such as Willowbrook Hospice, provide care specifically for terminally ill people and give support to their Carers both in the hospice and at home.

    The HoneyRose Foundation is a local charity that raises money to provide a memorable day for people that are suffering from a life threatening or terminal illness. For example this may be a special day or weekend away that would help to alleviate suffering, improve their quality of life and also provide the family/Carer with a lasting memory of their loved one.

    The National Council for Palliative Care can also provide more information on palliative care and how to access services.


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