Hargreaves Dementia Trust is a local charity that supports people with dementia and their Carers. Their monthly support group, called ‘Making Sense’ is an opportunity for Carers to meet up and gain emotional support. The group meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 6.30pm at the Stewart Unit (at Peasley Cross Hospital).
St Helens Carers Centre holds a regular support group for those Carers who support someone who is experiencing dementia. The group is friendly, informal and always welcome new members – it is a good opportunity to talk to other people who have faced similar practical and emotional challenges. Meetings take place two times each month; on the first and third of every month at the Carers Centre between 11am and 12.30pm.
There is also a monthly support group for Carers of people with dementia that takes place at Broad Oak Manor (WA9 1HB) in Parr – contact the care home on 01744 615 626 for further information.