St Helens Young Carers Project aims to raise awareness and support for children and young people with significant caring responsibilities, and for them to receive appropriate assessment and support to help them be healthy, enjoy life and achieve their full potential. They run a full programme of activities during the school holidays in addition to support groups which meet up in the evenings throughout the year.
The Carers Centre can offer personalised breaks for young carers aged between 8 and 18 years old. This could be anything from horse riding lessons or cinema tickets to days away.
Young Carers is a website and support service for young people aged 18 and under who help to look after someone in their family who has an illness, disability, drug/alcohol addiction or mental health condition. They run an online community, e-mail/chat sessions with the online Support Team and also have lots of other information and stories.
Childline’s helpline (0800 11 11) and online chat is available all day every day if you would like to talk to someone in confidence about being a Carer.
TheSite is an information service website for young adults around a whole range of issues including being a Carer.