Over ten million people in the UK are affected by arthritis, and Arthritis Care is a charity that works with and for all people who have arthritis. They have a freephone helpline (0808 800 4050) to provide practical and emotional support, covering topics such as how to manage pain, information about specific conditions and what exercise or diet may be appropriate.
If you have rheumatoid arthritis, the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society run their own helpline (0800 298 7650) for information, medical advice or emotional support. The St Helens branch of NRAS have a support group that meets up every two months at the Town Hall.
If you have not yet been diagnosed with arthritis but think you have some of the symptoms then it would be best to get some advice from your GP. The Rheumatology Practice Development Unit at St Helens Hospital cares for thousands of arthritis sufferers throughout the region.
Further information about arthritis can also be found at Arthritis Research UK.
Another useful link would be
NWBH NHS Foundation Trust Physiotherapy Service can give information and advice on musculoskeletal conditions see