The Mersey Region Epilepsy Association are an independent charity that works towards improving the quality of life for people with epilepsy, and their families/Carers. They are able to provide information and support by phone (helpline 0151 298 2666) or face-to-face (appointments can be made at the Glaxo Neurological Centre in Liverpool or home-visits can also be arranged).
Epilepsy Action is a national charity that runs a freephone helpline (0808 800 5050) service for anyone who would like more information about epilepsy (e.g. concerns about a recent diagnosis, medication, driving, family planning) and is staffed by Advice and Information Officers all with an extensive knowledge of epilepsy related issues. Epilepsy Action St Helens hold meetings on the first Tuesday of the month in the Millennium Centre Lounge between 11am and 12.30pm. Contact Stuart Woodyer on 01744 630844.
Further information about epilepsy can also be found via the Epilepsy Society (helpline 01494 601 400), Epilepsy Research UK and the Joint Epilepsy Council.