For information on NHS support and services for adults and young people with eating disorders in the St Helens area see North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. The site has information and advice on different eating disorders.
b-eat is a national charity designed to increase knowledge, awareness and understanding of eating disorders; providing support, help and information to people directly affected. They run a helpline (0808 801 0677), online support forum, general information and chat rooms.
ABC (Anorexia Bulimia Care) is a national charity that provides personal advice and support to anyone affected by anorexia, bulimia, binge eating and all kinds of eating distress. Their website includes information about eating disorders, their befrienders scheme, courses that they run and they also have a helpline (03000 11 12 13).
Self-help books and CDs are available to help with eating disorders through the ‘Books on Prescription’ service available at your local library.
CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) is about supporting men, particularly those aged 15-35. It’s about giving you a break, a way of getting things off your chest and sorting your head out. They provide a helpline (0800 58 58 58) and a website full of information, blogs and stories on issues relating to depression and suicide.
Further information about eating disorders can also be found online via Mind, Sane and The NHS Website.