Care in your own home may involve personal and domestic care tasks such as light housework, doing the shopping, laundry, washing, helping you get up, bathing, dressing yourself and help administering medication. Care can be delivered over a short period (e.g. if your Carer is away) or as part of an on-going care package.
For information on providers of personal domiciliary care here for a link to St Helens Council website.
You can view further information, reports/ratings and contact details about care providers closest to you by entering your postcode into the Care Quality Commission (CQC) website website or ringing their information helpline on 03000 616161.
First Stop Advice is an independent, impartial and free service offering advice and information to older people, their families and carers about housing and care options for later life.
Independent Age can provide free and impartial advice on the issues including care and support, money and benefits, health and mobility. Helpline 0800 319 6789