Mencap is one of the biggest charities to provide support and services for people with learning disabilities in the UK. Their local office is in Liverpool however they have a lot of services that can be provided in St Helens; these include an employment programme, independent living assistance and care, housing support services and leisure/learning opportunities. They also have a national helpline (0300 333 1111) which is an advice and information service.
St Helens People’s Choice is run for, and by, people with learning disabilities – campaigning for rights and encouraging self-advocacy; empowering people to have their say about the things that are important to them. They run a weekly activity group every Friday, run for and by people with learning disabilities. Activities include crafts, karaoke and day trips out.
MOWLL (Moving on with Life and Learning) is a charity based in Liverpool that helps adults with learning disabilities, meantal health conditions or brain injuries. They offer a variety of short programmes and courses, person centred planning and peer-mentor support for people who have been met with exclusion in education, training, employment and community life.
Other national charities and organisations that can provide help and assistance for people with learning disabilities include the British Institute of Learning Disabilities, Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities, Netbuddy and People First.
For Carers
The Family Carers Network links groups and organisations that support families that include an adult with a learning disability.