DASH (or Disability Advice and information in St Helens) provides information and advice on a wide range of subjects to anyone with an interest in a disability related subject such as employment, welfare, discrimination, care, leisure, transport, equipment and education. They can be contacted by phone, e-mail or popping in to see them at Chalon Way.
Other local charities specialising in people with disabilities, such as the Coalition of Disabled People, Deafness Resource Centre, St Helens People’s Choice and Shopmobility, are also very helpful in providing information and assistance to the local community. On a national scale the following websites are also a great source of general information: DirectGov, Scope, Disability Alliance UK and Disabled Living Foundation.
Other useful resources:
- If you are a disabled parent, the Disabled Parent’s Network offers peer support and professional support (0300 3300 639)
- Ricability is an independent consumer research charity providing free, practical and unbiased reports for disabled people and older people
Please also navigate around some of the other disability FAQs for assistance around benefits, mobility aids, transport etc