Triple P
Triple P – Positive Parenting Programme
Parenting now comes with an instruction manual – Simple to use, proven to work. One of the greatest strengths of the Triple P Program is its ability to cater to every parent, regardless of personal or family circumstances. Triple P is designed to give parents the skills they need to raise confident, healthy children and teenagers and to build stronger family relationships. It provides parents with simple and practical strategies they can adapt to suit their own values, beliefs and needs. Triple P is distinctive in that it is not a one-size-fits-all course.
Quotes from parents….. ‘After being on the course I am calmer and more controlled when dealing with misbehaviour. Life is calmer and more consistent’,(parent on Triple P 0-12 group course)
“Relationships with my children are much stronger and we have made a lot of positive changes”. (parent on Triple P 0-12 group course)
“Very well run with approachable facilitators who made people feel comfortable and supported. Thought provoking course giving me lots to think about especially useful strategies and routines. In particular, dealing with risky behaviour routine”, (parent Group Teen Triple P)
Early Help Team at St Helens Council are running Triple P Courses.
Parents can choose anything from tip sheets and single workshops to more intensive group courses or individual longer-term support including, coping with stress and anger, avoiding parenting traps and partner support. There are also specialised Triple P programmes, including Stepping Stones, for parents of children with a disability, ‘Children who grow up with positive parenting are more likely to develop the skills they need to do well at school, build friendships, and feel good about themselves. They are also much less likely to develop behavioural or emotional problems when they get older. Similarly, parents who use positive parenting skills feel more confident and competent about managing day-to-day family life. They are also less stressed, less depressed and have less conflict with their partners over parenting issues.’ (Professor Matt Sanders, founder of the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program).
The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program is one of the world’s most effective and internationally acclaimed, evidence based parenting systems. With more than 30 years’ ongoing research.
Triple P courses are free, with a free creche and run throughout the borough.
Type of Organisation
St Helens Council Children's ServicesContact
Atlas House, Corporation Street, St Helens, Merseyside, WA9 1LD
- 01744 676543