Think Wellbeing St Helens
Think Wellbeing St Helens has dedicated teams of psychological wellbeing practitioners, cognitive behavioural therapists and counsellors who offer a range of support to help you make positive changes to reduce stress and anxiety and improve your wellbeing. These include stress control classes, wellbeing workshops, group therapies, one to one support and telephone support.
We provide free services in St Helens for anyone over the age of 16. We offer our services from health centres and local community settings.
Please note, as an NHS service, if you decide to refer yourself we will keep your GP informed of your progress unless you explicitly instruct us not to.
These are completed from your home computer at your own convenience and a therapist will keep in touch with you to review progress on the course.
Stress control is not group therapy – so you do not have to talk about your problems in front of others. You just sit back and learn some of the ways to control stress.
Sessions are 1.5 hours and there are often 20 to 50 people at each session.
Sessions are 1.5 hour long and there are often 15 to 20 people each session
Sessions are 1.5 hours long and there are often 10 to 15 people each session
The format is similar to individual therapy; however this has the added benefits of support and encouragement from other members, who can share helpful coping techniques. Like individual CBT, in between session work is set after each session, this helps build session work and applying these skills to daily life.
Helpful for people who have symptoms of anxiety and generalised anxiety disorder, who are motivated to change.
Sessions are two hours long and there are normally around 8 to 12 people per group.
· How to boost activity and self confidence
· How to manage unhelpful thinking
· Problem solving
· Anxiety management
· Stress management
How to Access
There are many ways to refer to the service:
· Call 01744 415650
· Self-refer online at:
· Referral from your GP or other health professional
Think Wellbeing strive to contact people within two weeks after the referral date. The first point of contact will be a welcome call from a member of the team.
NOTE: If the referral is made by a GP or health professional please be aware that we use telephone numbers given by them, if we are unable to get through we may leave a message. If you do not want to receive a message, please let the referrer know.
What we do not offer
Think Wellbeing empowers people to improve their own wellbeing, but if what we offer is not right for you we will do our best to signpost you to the service that is.
Please be aware that:
· Think Wellbeing is not a crisis service. If you are at risk of self-harm or know someone who is, please contact your GP or out-of hours GP service. Alternatively you can call 111 or the Samaritans free helpline on 116 123.
· Think Wellbeing do not diagnose mental health conditions or provide mental health assessments/reports for employers or for personal independent payment (PIP) assessments/welfare service.
· Think Wellbeing do not provide care-coordination for people suffering from severe and enduring mental problems.
· We do not prescribe medication.
Think Wellbeing St Helens
Peasley Cross Hospital
Marshalls Cross Road
St Helens