Teardrops Supporting the Homeless
Teardrops is an independent, not for profit, self funded, registered charity that was founded in March 2016. For two and a half years we also were homeless, handing out food two evenings a week and seeking refuge in a local church two nights a week where we were able to provide a hot dinner in a warm safe environment. During that time, we would go into schools, colleges, universities and groups, giving talks and carrying out workshops to raise awareness about the issues people face when homeless, also trying to address and breakdown the stigmas and barriers that are associated with being homeless. In February 2018 we found an old former restaurant, with little to no funds, and with the goodwill of the community and businesses we transformed it into a a fully functioning vibrant centre for those who are homeless, at risk of becoming homeless, vulnerable and in need. It took six months of hard work and dedication, with volunteers and family members staying until the early hours of the morning. In July we opened our doors and we now support over 180 plus service users every week in our Hub over four nights.
Every Monday we run a multi-agency drop in, this is set up and designed to give help, support and advice all under one roof to those who would only usually access these type of services when in crisis. We recognise that poverty, deprivation, unemployment, mental health, people with disabilities, loss, educational needs and addictions can lead to someone becoming homeless. Our aim is to prevent this from happening, and for those already in crisis, we feel by having the appropriate agencies on-board in a warm, welcoming, safe place; with support from staff and volunteers we can reach much more people. Over time it will inevitably lead to less usage and demand of critical NHS, and other statutory services.
Some of the services signed up so far are: CGL(Drug and Alcohol team) St Helens Mind, Smoking Cessation, Sexual Health, Hairdressing, Debt advice, DWP including UC and PIP, Housing advice. In early 2019 we will also be joined by Health and Wellbeing, NHS Psychosis team and Paramedics. We are still in need of a Nurse, GP, Dental practitioner/nurse, and Podiatry care so that we can provide a wrap around service. We also offer a free breakfast and lunch throughout the day to help combat hunger and hardship.
Other services we provide and plan to deliver are – Education, we go into schools, groups and clubs, as well as running a 5 week workshop twice a week at the hub where, students/pupils will cook a healthy meal for the night café, learn about stigmas and barriers people face when homeless plus Arts, looking at positive well-being.
One day per week, every Monday (9am -4pm) four/five Agencies to attend to give advice, assistance to those threatened with homelessness and the vulnerable in the community.
Voice on the Street, supporting and listening to those who are homeless, the issues and barriers they face then feeding it back to our local Council/Councillors, Police and NHS so that change can be made.
We will deliver CBT and PC based counselling, anger management and confidence and assertiveness courses and Domestic Violence keep safe and know the signs programme. March 2019
Two afternoons per week, in addition to a drop-in centre there will be life skills e.g. cooking, budgeting etc. We support three primary schools in deprived areas with ambient food once a month to combat poverty. Community shop- Selling ambient and chilled food from our Hub one afternoon a week as an additional way to help combat poverty. April 2019
Every Saturday we will run a Family Day, this will be for service users who have children but are separated from them due to accommodation issues. May 2019
On a weekly basis services – hairdressing, housing advice, debt advice, sexual health etc.
The Hub is open four nights per week as a Night Café.
We also run a furniture scheme in conjunction with Willowbrook hospice, so we can support service users with much needed items so they can set up a new home.
We pick up unsold food at the end of an evening from local businesses to help us support those who are homeless and vulnerable. In total we pick up 45 times a week, we support four hostels as well as those sofa surfing, rough sleeping, people who have been sanctioned, and those in need. On average we help over 440 per week through the dedication and support of volunteers.
Hairdressing scheme, whereby those who are homeless, families who are on a low income and struggling to pay for their children’s haircut, parents who live in hostels and estranged from their children ,also anyone who is going for an interview who can not afford to pay at the hairdressers, will all be entitled to join up to the scheme. Those benefiting from the scheme are referred in by the local hostels, DWP, and Social Services.
Free toiletries, clothes, plus food hampers to get people over until they get paid.
How to Access
Access the service via our Website, Facebook, or Twitter, telephone or pop in during our opening hours.
Opening Times/Meeting times of the Office or of the Services:
Monday 9.30am-4.00pm
Tuesday 9.30am-4.00pm and 7.30pm-10.00pm
Wednesday 9.30am-4.00pm and 7.30pm-10.00pm
Thursday 9.30am-4.00pm
Friday 9.30am-4.00pm and 7.30pm-10.00pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday 7.30pm-10.00pm