St Helens Wellbeing Service
A range of local and tailored services to help improve the health and well-being of those living in St Helens. (We no longer work with Halton, they are separate to us). They work with individuals and the community providing activities, programmes and personalised advice, including Health Trainers who can help develop personal health plans with you. There are services for children adults and families, just call to find out more on 01744 371111.
Breastfeeding Support
Within the local community, we offer a professional and caring approach to supporting mothers and families, to establish and continue breast-feeding for as long as they wish. We provide one to one breast-feeding support via telephone, in your home and at the hospital, we host breast-feeding drop-in clinics and groups (Monday to Saturday) in the community setting and we work with our community to promote and support breast-feeding/mixed feeding or expressing.
Infant Feeding Support
Within the local community, we offer a professional and caring approach to supporting mothers and families, to introduce solid food into a baby’s diet. We provide group sessions in a variety of locations within the community to discuss the NHS guidelines around the introduction of solid food including shy, when & how, offer the change to ask questions and raise any concerns and provide recipes, hints & tips to make this an enjoyable time for you & your baby.
Fit 4 Life Schools
A prmary school based four weeks nutrition and physical acvitity programme to encourage healthy lifestyle choices. Run in partnership with Saints Coaches during the school day.
Tasty Tuck Awards
Tasty Tuck is an award given to schools that provide healthy snacks at break times.Schools are asked to meet our healthy snack criteria and encourage children to make healthier choices. Each school who achieves this standard will receive a certificate and an attractive apple award to display, as well as a presentation day and celebration eent for the school held by Captain Tuck and his motley crew.
Fit 4 All
Fit 4 All is a programme of activities and education, run in partnership with trainers from Saints Rugby Club. It helps children, young people and their families to exercise regularly, eat a nutritionally balanced diet helping to achieve a healthy weight. For families who require specialist support we can signpost you to the relevant services.
Oral Health
We provide a range of Oral Health support, we also offer training for early years staff, health visiting and school nurse teams, nursing and care staff and carers of vulnerable and older people. We also have a selection of leaflets available and training resources which are available to loan to nurseries and early year settings to promote oral health.
CHOICES Lifestyle Referral
Choices Lifestyle Referral is a programme offering one to one advice and support to local people aged 16+ who want to become more physically active in their daily lives, whatever their ability or fitness level. The programme takes into account your current activity levels, medical history, and together we design a personalised activity plan for you. You must be referred onto the programme by a health clinician such as GP, Practice Nurse and Physiotherapist.
Community Falls Programme
Are you afraid of falling? Have you fallen several times in the past few months? Do you have osteoporosis? Are you taking multiple medications that may affect your balance? If so, we may be able to help you via our Choices Lifestyle Referral service scheme.
Get Yourself Outdoors
Get Yourself Outdoors is a programme of outdoor activity for adults over 16 including Nordic Walking and the Walking for Health programme supported by Ramblers and Macmillan Cancer Support. You dont need to book a place, but all walkers must complete a physical activity readiness questionnaire. For each walk we recommend sensible flat shoes or walking boots. Contact us to ask for a Walks Programme!
Health Trainer Service
Health Trainers carry out Health Checks and can support people on a one to one basis to make positive lifestyle changes. They can also point you in the right direction of any other services you may need.
NHS Health Check Programme
The national NHS Health Checks programme helps to prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes and kidney disease. The national NHS Health Checks programme helps to prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes and kidney disease, and helps to identify problems early and start treatments for people ages 40-74. It includes a range of questions about your general health, lifestyle and family history. Simple measurements such as height, weight, blood pressure and pulse will be taken to look for signs, symptoms and risk factors for a number of diseases.
Looking to give something back? Looking for experience? Have a few hours to spare? Whatever the reason, make it happen! We have opportunities in various areas, why not check out the website.
Long Term Conditions Course
The Get Yourself Going course runs for 6 weeks and is for people with chronic or long term conditions. It supports you to manage the effects of your condition more effectively. The course is supported by tutors who have long term conditions themselves. It can help participants to cope with pain, low mood, lack of sleep, difficult emotions, stress and tension.
Mental Health and Wellbeing
We all have Mental Health, like we all have physical health. Both change throughout our lives. Like our bodies, our minds can become unwell. Mental health problems are more common than you think. Visit our website for top tips on looking after your mental health. The team also offers training which can help professionals and the public manage common mental health problems and access mental health and well being support services available in St Helens.
How to Access
Anyone can self refer themselves to any of our programmes as long as they don’t involve exercise. ie the Lifestyle Referral, you would need to be referred by a Health Professionals. More information on all the programmes available can be found on the website.
Type of Organisation
Statutory (NHS and St Helens Council)Contact
- 01744 371111
- [email protected]