Safe2Speak Domestic Abuse Services
The Independent Domestic Abuse Advisor Service can offer advice to high risk victims on a range of areas such as:
Creating safety plans and undertaking risk assessments
Accompanying clients to court or arranging pre-trial visits
Supporting clients to give evidence and write victim impact statements
Requesting special measures e.g. screens to conceal clients in court so they don’t have to face their abuser
Helping clients to access refuge accommodation
Helping clients to increase security in their property so that they can continue to live safely at home
Providing emotional support and referring victims to counselling or mental health services
Liaise with social workers on child protection issues
Represent victim’s views and wishes at MARAC meetings.
Helping client to make informed choices about the criminal justice process & accessing civil legal measures.
Liaising with the Police and other public services to promote victims ongoing safety.
The Domestic Abuse Outreach Service can offer ongoing support to medium and standard risk victims on a range of areas such as:
Domestic Abuse awareness sessions – tailored to the individual
Safety planning and undertaking risk assessments
Supporting clients to increase security in their property so they can continue to live safely at home.
Providing emotional support and referring victims to counselling or mental health services.
Income maximisation – assisting victims to access benefits & referring to specialist services.
Helping client with resettlement plans and accessing safe accommodation.
Supporting clients with ongoing child protection issues, liaising with social workers and attending relevant multi-agency meetings with the client.
The 24hr Safe2Speak helpline can offer telephone advice and guidance to all victims of domestic abuse & those concerned about someone they suspect to be experiencing domestic abuse on a range of areas such as:
Providing emotional support and a listening ear.
Safety advice & undertaking risk assessments.
Helping the client to access emergency crisis accommodation
Staff have access to national database of refuge vacancies across UK for those who require urgent accommodation.
Assisting client to access IDVA or DV Outreach support by completing appropriate referral following risk assessment.
Referring clients for emergency injunctions via NCDV.
Signposting clients to external services to access support for presenting issues on the call.
The Safe2Speak Refuge Accommodation Service offers safe, temporary accommodation to all victims of domestic abuse who feel it is unsafe for them to remain in their own home or are homeless as a result of domestic abuse. The service offers support on a range of areas such as:
24 hour staffed service, 365 days a year safe accommodation with full CCTV & enhanced security.
17 independent flats on site, fully furnished on both ground & 1st floor.
1 disabled access flat with ramp & fully wheel chair accessible facilities
Tailored support plans for clients with an allocated key worker.
Children can access support from specialist children’s worker who is based on site
Support with resettlement and detailed move on plans
Income maximisation and debt management support
Helping clients through both criminal and civil legal processes.
Liaising with social services on child protection issues & adult safeguarding matters
Helping clients with complex needs such as alcohol or drug dependency to access specialist support.
Providing emotional support and helping client work alongside other agencies to promote their health & wellbeing.
Domestic Abuse awareness group & 1 to 1 Sessions
On site communal activities and engagement.
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