HoneyRose Foundation
The HoneyRose Foundation is a registered charity dedicated to raising money and organising special days for terminally ill people aged over the age of 40. Their mission is to provide a memorable day for people who are suffering from a life threatening or terminal illness, to help create special memories with family or friends.
We have and help volunteers who are abled and disabled, to build confidence and skills to cope with with everyday life. We help people less fortunate. We help create special memories.
We have a function room which we rent out for parties, funerals, weddings or christenings.
How to Access
Access can be via email, telephone or calling in person. Contact can also be made via a health professional.
Type of Organisation
National charity (no.1109867)Contact
The HoneyRose Foundation,
2-4 Cotham Street
St Helens
WA10 1SA
- 01744 451 919
- www.honeyrosefoundation.org.uk
- [email protected]