St Helens Home Improvement Agency
Our aim is to provide guidance and assistance to vulnerable homeowners and private sector tenants living in the Borough who are older, disabled or vulnerable; to repair, improve maintain or adapt their homes, helping them to continue living independently in comfort and safety in their own home.
The Handyperson Service– Our chargeable service can offer help with small repairs and DIY jobs around the home.
The kind of small jobs that our Handyperson service can do for you include the following (but this is not an exhaustive list) :
Technology Care Team– Assistive Technology is a term used to describe devices and sensors that are installed into someone’s home to enable them to remain living there independently for as long as possible. It can also offer loved ones peace of mind knowing that help is often just a push of a button away.
Care & Repair-If you need a trade person e.g. plumber or electrician to carry out work in your home we can offer practical help and support you through the entire process. We cannot pay for building or repair works but we can help you avoid rogue traders. We can assist with obtaining quotes from reputable contracters, liasing with them and organising payment on your behalf. We charge £12.60 for this service (this does not include any works undertaken).
Disabled Adaptations-If you or someone living with you has a disability and they are assessed by an occupational therapist as needing an adaptation we may be able to assist you with the cost. Following your assessment the council will decide if it will support the recommended adaptation and if so we will progress your application for a disabled facilities grant. The type of work undertaken includes improving access to, from and around your home, access to the garden, bathroom adaptations, lifts and hoists.
Benefits Advice– It is important that you are getting the benefits you are entitled to. Our team of experts can give you the right information and support that can make a huge difference.
Affordable Warmth– Are your energy bills too high? Are you in debt with an energy supplier? Are you unsure how to switch to a cheaper energy supplier? Our Affordable Warmth Unit can provide practical help and advice with all these matters and more.
How to Access
In Person: St Helens Town Hall- Opening hours Monday to Friday 8.30am-5.00pm
Telephone: 01744 676555
E-mail: [email protected]
Type of Organisation
Statutory (St Helens Council)Contact
St Helens Home Improvement Agency, Town Hall, Corporation Street, St Helens, Merseyside, WA10 1HP
- 01744 676 555
- [email protected]