Alcoholics Anonymous


Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other to help solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. AA is the only voluntary fellowship to help alcoholics, and there are no dues or fees for membership. All other agencies include Addaction and Re-Hab Centre’s who claim to e able to help Alcoholics achieve sobriety actually cannot.  They all send their clients to AA, even though they get government grants and peoples monies to cover their costs,to which AA receive nothing, and is happy to keep this tradition.

AA rely on self support and churches and the St Helens Millennium Centre for the contribution of their building towards this.


  • Local area help-line, open from 9am to 9pm, seven days a week
  • There are seven different group meetings held every week in St Helens. The meetings are lead by recovered alcoholics who describe their personal experiences in achieving sobriety, read A.A. literature and interpret the A.A. programme

How to Access

Further information about the local meetings or A.A. group can be obtained by contacting the local branch by phone, 0151 709 2900. (National Helpline 0800 917 7650). Alternatively people are free to attend any of the meetings held in St Helens, currently available at:

  • Lowe House Medical Centre (WA10 2DJ)
    Mondays at 7pm
  • St Peter’s Church Hall (WA9 2EA)
    Tuesdays at 1pm
  • Newton Methodist Church (WA12 9PT)
    Wednesdays at 7.30pm
  • Holy Cross Church (WA10 1EF)
    Fridays at 7.30pm
  • St Marks,Gamble Hall,Bishop Road,(WA10 6UP)
    Sundays at 7.00 pm
  • St Annes Millennium Centre,View
    Road,Rainhill,(L35 0LE) -Thursdays at 7.30pm
  • St Mary’s Church, Lowe House, Crab Street,
    St Helens (WA10 2BE)- Sundays at 7.30 pm