Age UK Mid Mersey
Age UK Mid Mersey (formerly Age Concern Mid Mersey) believes that over 50s deserve high quality professional services and activities throughout their later years and the organisation is committed to making sure that it can make later life a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for everyone.
Home Energy Checks (50+)
Free home visit to older vulnerable people giving advice on reducing energy usage and where appropriate installation of small energy saving equipment.
Telephone befriending (60+)
Community consultations/panels
Benefit checks
Digital support
Advice & Support
How to Access
The national Age UK advice line (0800 169 6565) is open 365 days a year for information and advice.
For further information about any of the other services please contact 0300 003 1992 .
Type of Organisation
Local charity (no.1003476) under the umbrella of the national Age UK Charity organisationContact
Age UK Mid Mersey, The Mansion House, Victoria Park, City Road, St Helens, Merseyside, WA10 2UE
- 0300 003 1992
- [email protected]